Video 5: Shifting To A Better Feeling Mindset (no more ‘Imposter Syndrome’)

Welcome to the Video 5 of my free 8-day Video Series in the lead up to the launch of my new eCourse – The Inner Critic to Inner Coach Online Training. Every day I’ll be talking about an area of significance to your life, and how negative self-talk either causes or perpetuates that problem. And then, importantly, a quick-and-dirty instant solution that you can use right away to make a difference to yourself. In this case, the biggest mindset hack for overcoming the so-called ‘syndrome’.

Mindset and Imposter Syndrome – two huge things!  And phrases that are now prolific in the professional / business / entrepreneurial world.

I hear about these MOST OFTEN in the business communities I’m part of. Why?  Because we all know that your mindset basically equals your success – what you believe you can achieve, you will achieve.

However when your belief in yourself starts to falter, for whatever reason, we can get into all kinds of negative spirals: self-sabotage; low-confidence; procrastination; avoidance strategies and so on. All because we don’t want to fail, and we feel like a failure. And once this self-doubting has really kicked in, we start hearing the phrase “I’ve got Imposter Syndrome…..”

You want to hear my BIGGEST mindset hack for this? OK, here it goes:


Because it simply doesn’t exist. The English language has a bad habit of doing this – turning verbs or processes into static things or objects. You don’t have a ‘syndrome’, you don’t have a disease and you don’t have a collection of symptoms. You don’t wake up in the morning and put the ‘imposter’ part of your brain in, do you? As long as you think of it as a ‘thing’ you are powerless to change it. Because what can you do, take a pill?  No.

Understand this – YOU are creating it with YOUR inner dialogue (and other factors will lead up to this creation, but ultimately this is what you’re doing).

I talk about this concept in much more depth in the eCourse because it is a crucial part of you stopping giving away your power, and starting to get your power back.

So, here’s how you get some energy into the situation and activate your personal power again: first step – stop calling it that.

Second step: Take a moment to actually DEFINE what the problem is for you. What are you concerned or worried about? What’s actually going round and round in your head? Write some stuff down until you get something that starts making sense. For example: I’m worried that I’m not qualified for this job and I don’t have the right tools and resources to feel good at it.

Just notice what changes when you do this and how you can start to get yourself a plan for morning forward.

As always – any questions, please give me a shout.

Charlotte x